




# python rhodecode-installer.py

RhodeCode Installer 0.4.1

I am your assistant for installing, upgrading & removing
of RhodeCode Enterprise under Linux.
You can always quit me by typing 'q' on the prompt.

... running command: whoami


RhodeCode Installer 0.4.1

Please select an option:
[1] Install RhodeCode Enterprise
[2] Show the start command
[3] Check for new RhodeCode Enterprise version
[4] Change the settings
[5] Perform advanced actions
[0] Check for new Installer version
[q] Quit installer
> 0


RhodeCode Installer 0.4.1

A new installer version 0.6.0 is available!

What’s new in the version?
 - Pre-compiled system folder under Windows

Can I download and install the new installer for you?
> y
I downloaded and installed the latest installer version. Please re-open 
me to see it in action.

Thanks, it was a pleasure to be your assistant!


# python rhodecode-installer.py

As root please!

You need to run me with root / sudo privileges. Please type 'sudo python linux-installer.py'.

If you can not fix the error by yourself then please contact us:
1. Go to https://rhodecode.com/help
2. Start a new discussion
3. Tell us about your system and the versions of the installed RhodeCode applications
4. Attach to the discussion the Installer log file located at /tmp/rhodecode-installer.log

rootで実行したのに、sudo で実行するように怒られる。


# sudo python rhodecode-installer.py

RhodeCode Installer 0.6.0

I am your assistant for installing, upgrading & adjusting of RhodeCode Enterprise.You can always quit me by typing 'q' on the prompt.

RhodeCode Installer 0.6.0

Do you already have RhodeCode or RhodeCode Enterprise installed on this server?
> y

RhodeCode Installer 0.6.0

Under which Linux user did you install RhodeCode Enterprise?
> rhodecode

Please move me into the folder /home/rhodecode/rhodecode and run me again. Thanks!


# ls
rhodecode/  rhodecode-installer.py  rhodecode-venv/

# mv rhodecode-installer.py rhodecode


# cd rhodecode
# sudo python rhodecode-installer.py

RhodeCode Installer 0.6.0

I am your assistant for installing, upgrading & adjusting of RhodeCode Enterprise.You can always quit me by typing 'q' on the prompt.

RhodeCode Installer 0.6.0

Do you already have RhodeCode or RhodeCode Enterprise installed on this server?
> y

RhodeCode Installer 0.6.0

Under which Linux user did you install RhodeCode Enterprise?
> rhodecode

RhodeCode Installer 0.6.0

From Installer version 0.5.0 on, we are introducing a more standardized folder structure in the format:
/home/rhodecode/rhodecode/data - for ini files and SQLite
/home/rhodecode/rhodecode/system - for virtualenv or pre-built app code
/home/rhodecode/rhodecode/data - for repositories (can be a symlink!)
In the following steps I will create this folder structure and move or copy existing files.

Reading your former folder structure from /home/rhodecode/.rhodecode_config ...

RhodeCode Installer 0.6.0

From Installer version 0.5.0 on, we are introducing a more standardized folder structure in the format:
/home/rhodecode/rhodecode/data - for ini files and SQLite
/home/rhodecode/rhodecode/system - for virtualenv or pre-built app code
/home/rhodecode/rhodecode/data - for repositories (can be a symlink!)
In the following steps I will create this folder structure and move or copy existing files.

Moving /home/rhodecode/rhodecode/production.ini to /home/rhodecode/rhodecode/data/production.ini ...
Moving /home/rhodecode/rhodecode/rhodecode.db to /home/rhodecode/rhodecode/data/rhodecode.db ...
Copying /home/rhodecode/rhodecode-venv to /home/rhodecode/rhodecode/system ...
Moving /home/rhodecode/.rhodecode_config to /home/rhodecode/rhodecode/data/installer.ini ...
Deleting old folder /home/rhodecode/rhodecode-venv ...


RhodeCode Installer 0.6.0

What database do you use?
[s]qlite (built-in, no server needed)
> s
I am starting to fix possible issues ...
I am fixing folder relationships in system folder ...
I am fixing folder relationships in config files ...
Trying to get the application version ...
Found version 2.2.3
Trying to (re)install service ...

Please wait, I am downloading the init.d file for your operating system ...

Please wait, I am customizing the init.d file for your installation ...

I create the log folder /var/log/rhodecode if not existing, yet ...
... running command: sudo mkdir /var/log/rhodecode

I create the log file /var/log/rhodecode/rhodecode.log if not existing, yet ...
... running command: sudo touch /var/log/rhodecode/rhodecode.log

I set the proper write permissions for the log file ...
... running command: sudo chmod 0666 /var/log/rhodecode/rhodecode.log

I copy the init.d file to /etc/init.d/rhodecode ...
... running command: sudo cp /tmp/rhodecode-initd-template /etc/init.d/rhodecode

I make the file /etc/init.d/rhodecode executable ...
... running command: sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/rhodecode

I am verifying the correct installation of the init.d file ...

I am trying to restart the new service ...
... running command: sudo /etc/init.d/rhodecode restart

I (re)installed RhodeCode Enterprise as a service.
I finished with fixing issues.

Please select an option:
[b] Back to menu
[q] Quit Installer
> q


# /etc/init.d/rhodecode start
Starting RhodeCode Enterprise: Changing user to rhodecode:rhodecode (510:511)
Entering daemon mode
                                                           [  OK  ]